140L Converting To Left Hand Parts

Price: $0.00


  • SKU140-LH


Left Hand conversion.

These parts are needed for conversion:

This part is NOT available for conversion:

    19-140LH (NOT AVAILABLE) What does this mean? You CAN do a left hand conversion IF you can find a 3-200LH bridge which is also not available, but without the 19-140LH, there will be no reverse winding option. The reel will remain locked in standard reeling mode.

    NOTES: The handle side plate 1-140 is NOT convertable to either standard or left hand, you would need the 1-140LH. The 11-200 Eccentric is usable on either version of the reel. The gear sleeve is optional if you don't want to change the complete bridge during a repair, but you need full bridge 3-200 for conversion.

Notes For Ordering The Parts ABOVE:

  • To Order: Click on the linked part number(s) to go to each parts ordering screen, select 140L-LH from the drop down menus, enter the quantity you would like to purchase, then "Add To Cart". This allows you the option of only ordering the parts that you need to replace if you are repairing rather than converting.

    You do not order here, use the links above.
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for all purchases as of 1/19/2024
12/21/2023 Got it! Its perfect. Thank you so much. It was just on a whim that I even searched for this part. Hard to believe that I could get a reel part for a reel that is 30 plus years old. Thanks again,
Todd M
1/16/2024 Comprehensive parts list, easy to order, and prompt service. I will definitely use them again.
Lin R.
1/4/2024 Quite a few years doing business with great folks. Simply the best. Thanks for your commitment to the business 👍