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UU-7C-115 Drag Stack 7+1 (CUSTOM) (METAL SET ONLY - See details)

Price: $37.00


  • SKUUU-7C-115
  • Part #CUU-007C-115▲
In Stock
- +

I am setting this one up a little differently to allow for existing washers, since people might have a perfectly good set of 5 of the 6-115 HT100 washers already in their reel and just want to do the upgrading. ~Mo

Ultimate Upgrades (As created by Bryan Young)

Convert your 3-stack or 5-stack to the Ultimate 7+1 Drag System "Here it is...if you need more than 28# of smooth drag from your Penn 114H (6/0 High Speed) or your 115L (9/0), this kit is for you. The two extra carbon fiber HT-100 drag washer should let you gain 8-10# of drag while maintain a smooth operation. This kit should be used with Penn's Steel or Stainless Steel Gear Sets or aftermarket gears from Pro Challanger or Accurate if operating at the high range due to their higher strength. ~B. Young."

Kit Contains: (4) - Stainless Steel Keyed Washers (CUSTOM) (3) - Stainless Steel Earred Washers (CUSTOM)
THIS IS JUST THE METAL SET! You also need the required washers listed below, to make a full stack 7+1 (SEE BELOW)

Stack Notes

Normally the reel uses 5 of the 6-115 washers with 5 of the Penn metal washers (modern HT100 type of stack).

NOTE: (Older reels that originally had the old thicker 1/8" fiberglass/asbestos style drag set of 3 thick fibers and 3 metal washers may need an extra washer if there is too much play in the stack, due to different thicknesses in the older and newer handle side plate molds over time - hang on to your old metal washers until you see how the stack fits.)

This CUSTOM metal set by Ultimate Upgrades uses 7 of the Penn 6-115 drag washers to make a complete 7+1 drag stack.


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for all purchases as of 1/19/2024
12/21/2023 Got it! Its perfect. Thank you so much. It was just on a whim that I even searched for this part. Hard to believe that I could get a reel part for a reel that is 30 plus years old. Thanks again,
Todd M
1/16/2024 Comprehensive parts list, easy to order, and prompt service. I will definitely use them again.
Lin R.
1/4/2024 Quite a few years doing business with great folks. Simply the best. Thanks for your commitment to the business 👍