Part Compatibility
Locating Pin Bushing (uses 2)
TWO PART#s 161-130VS BUSHING (BLACK) and 161-130 BUSHING ( was WHITE, now BLACK )
These items are the same part, however, they might be a different color; they are interchangeable.
7/15/24 The bushings are all coming in the color BLACK now; one of the seven digit part numbers may be discontinued at some point.
These parts are cross sold to each other so that if/ when one of the bushings becomes unavailable you can still acquire a part.
The other parts in the locating pin assembly are the same.
69B-130 RETAINING RING (uses 2)
162-130 LOCATING PIN SPRING (uses 2)
69-130 DRAG LOCATING PIN (uses 2)
Older reels 130 (Int.), 130H, 130S, 130ST
Newer reel 130VSX