Sizes 2500-5500 have automatic bail trip
Sizes 6500-8500 have manual bail trip
A full metal body and side plate establishes a rigid framework needed to maintain precise alignment, efficiency and smooth internal workings, ultimately prolonging reel life and reinforcing the energy anglers put into the reel towards fish fighting.
This Spinfisher Vii features IPX5 sealing, both in the body and in its spool design, keeping water and other containments from entering form accidental splashes, dunks, salt spray on the boat, and more.
Penn's HT-100 carbon fiber drag washers equipped in this reel offer great durability and a buttery smooth drag, taming gamefish of all sizes.
For the surf, kayak, or boat angler, these reels offer a great, dependable platform ready to accomplish a day and withstand all the fish and salty environments that are thrown at it.